Word Bank

Word Bank: Words We Talked About

  • draft: a copy.
  • treacherous: dangerous.
  • course: pathway, route.
  • investigate: to ask questions to find something out.
  • caption: a sentence describing a picture.
  • detective: someone who works to find the answer to a mystery.

  • memory: something that happened that you remember.
  • helium: an element you fill balloons with to make them float.
  • realistic: it could happen in real-life; not fantasy.
  • immigrant: someone who moves from another country.
  • marionettes: puppets held up by string.
  • puppeteer: the person who holds and controls the marionettes or puppets.

  • genre: a type of book.
  • sinister: evil.
  • charming: handsome and nice.

  • quest: a journey.
  • Haiku: a japanese poem that has 3 lines.
  • product: what you make in the end.
  • detective: someone who tries to solve mysteries.
  • witness: someone who sees a crime or an accident happen.
  • crime: breaking the law or doing something you are not supposed to do.
  • guilty: when someone does something they aren't supposed to do. 
  • dialogue: when two people communicate with each other.
  • wisdom: having a lot of knowledge.
  • caution: to be careful.
  • fame: to be well-known; famous.
  • courage: bravery.
  • UFO: unidentified flying object; an alien's spaceship.
  • morph: to change into something else.
  • extinct: no longer a living species (example: dinosaurs). 

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